Unlocking the Potential of Living Walls: Gensler's Research Reveals Significant Benefits

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Unlocking the Potential of Living Walls: Gensler's Research Reveals Significant Benefits

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Living walls, or vertical gardens, are not only a striking design element but also offer numerous health and environmental benefits. A recent study by Gensler’s Shanghai office has unveiled compelling evidence supporting the integration of living walls into indoor environments, particularly workplaces. This blog post delves into Gensler's findings, showcasing the transformative impact of living walls on indoor air quality and occupant comfort.

The Experiment: A Closer Look

Gensler conducted a meticulous six-month experiment from March to August 2015 to compare the effects of a living wall on indoor air quality (IAQ) and thermal comfort. Two conference rooms in their Shanghai office were utilized—one as a control room and the other transformed into a "green" room with a living wall. The living wall comprised plant species known for their ability to filter indoor pollutants such as CO2, PM2.5, and TVOC.

Key Findings

1. Improved Air Quality:
   - CO2 Levels: The green room showed a 24% reduction in CO2 levels compared to the control room.
   - Particulate Matter (PM2.5): There was a 21% decrease in PM2.5 levels in the green room.
   - Resilience: The green room displayed a quicker return to baseline levels after spikes in pollutants, proving its ability to maintain stable air quality even when external air quality deteriorated.
2. Thermal Comfort and Humidity:
   - The green room exhibited higher temperatures and humidity levels due to the additional lighting and the natural release of water vapor from the plants.
   - Over time, the humidity levels in the green room stabilized, indicating that the initial fluctuations might be temporary.
3. User Perception:
   - A majority of the users (65%) preferred the green room for its aesthetic appeal and perceived health benefits.
   - Despite the preference, users noted the higher temperature and humidity as drawbacks, highlighting the need for integrated HVAC systems to manage these effects.

Design Implications

The study's results underscore the potential of living walls to significantly enhance indoor air quality and occupant well-being. However, for widespread adoption, several factors must be considered:

- Integration with Building Systems: Effective coordination with HVAC systems is crucial to mitigate the secondary effects of living walls, such as increased heat and humidity.
- Distributed Greenery: While individual green rooms have shown positive effects, a more distributed approach could offer broader benefits across entire buildings.
- User Behavior and Perception: Understanding and addressing user comfort concerns, such as thermal discomfort and smells from the soil, are vital for successful implementation.

Future Research Directions

Gensler’s study opens the door for further exploration into optimizing living walls. Key areas for future research include:

- Thermal Comfort Management: Exploring different plant species and soil mixes to reduce temperature and humidity impacts.
- Long-term Effects on TVOCs: Further investigation is needed to understand the inconclusive results regarding TVOC levels.
- Broader Application: Evaluating the benefits of living walls in various building types and climates to develop best practices for their implementation.


Living walls hold immense promise for creating healthier, more sustainable indoor environments. Gensler’s research highlights not only the immediate benefits of improved air quality but also the potential for long-term positive impacts on occupant health and building efficiency. As we continue to seek innovative solutions for urban living, the integration of living walls could become a cornerstone of modern architectural design.

Embrace the Future of Indoor Spaces with Living Walls

Transform your workspace and enhance your well-being by incorporating living walls. Learn more about the benefits and design considerations by exploring Gensler’s full report on their groundbreaking study.

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